If you’re licensed for our Salesforce extension and have an issue or create a ticket, we can provide you better, faster service when you grant us Login Access to your account.

Login Access lets us log in to your org as you for a period of time that you can control in order to view, reproduce, and debug the issue you’re facing. This is a safe, secure, Salesforce-recommended method to provide support without needing to know your username and password, which is a big security no-no.

Do we comment that this specific form of support will be provided exclusively by our VP of Engineering and partners at CRM Science? 

To grant login access:   

  1. Navigate to your personal settings.
  2. Click Grant Login Access.
  3. Specify the Access Duration, which should be enough time to troubleshoot and resolve the issue- we recommend 3 days on average but will communicate more specifically in the ticket.  

Note: in the image below, it says “Ranch Hand LMO Support” as an example.  You will see “Tiltify LMO” for us instead.  


  The Grant Account Login Access Page, where your customer grants you access to their org

  1. Slick Save

Note: If you don’t see your company name listed, make sure that:

    • Your system administrator enables the permissions for non-admins to grant Login Access.
    • You have a license for Tiltify’s package.
    • If the package is licensed to the entire org, an admin with the Manage Users permission will grant us access.
    • In the org’s settings, Administrators Can Log in as Any User is disabled.

Please note: you can reference the bulk of this tutorial’s content directly from Salesforce here. In this case we are “partner support” as Tiltify is an official partner of Salesforce in the Partner Marketplace